Well it's been a while since I have been able to go back to my old stomping grounds. However, I made the trek back to Morgan and man am I glad I did. Saw some old friends and made some new. Me and my dj's from Club Argonne were in the building!!! The campus sure has changed. It gives me a sense of pride and yet I'm a bit jealous. The campus is so modern now. Security measures have improved. It's a beautiful campus. It so different, that I along with people that I went to school with kept walking around like, "Where was this ish when we were here?" I guess that's the price you pay for your era. I remember when we were in school and the alum would come back and say the same thing to us.
The great thing about this trip was seeing my dudes being successful. Guys that were not serious about anything but sports are now getting their Grown Man on!!! It's great that we all have moved on and become successful in one form or another. My dudes are teachers, business managers, engineers, entrepreneurs. As succesful as they are they are still humble, and are great assessts to their respective communities.
So I guess for me the moral of this homecoming weekend was that:
1. Good friends are great to have
2. Time waits for no man
3. Progress is a beautiful thing for My Fair Morgan
I am gonna continue on My Grown Man, I suggest you stay on your too!!!