Monday, October 12, 2009

Morgan State Homecoming Weekend 2009

Well it's been a while since I have been able to go back to my old stomping grounds. However, I made the trek back to Morgan and man am I glad I did. Saw some old friends and made some new. Me and my dj's from Club Argonne were in the building!!! The campus sure has changed. It gives me a sense of pride and yet I'm a bit jealous. The campus is so modern now. Security measures have improved. It's a beautiful campus. It so different, that I along with people that I went to school with kept walking around like, "Where was this ish when we were here?" I guess that's the price you pay for your era. I remember when we were in school and the alum would come back and say the same thing to us.
The great thing about this trip was seeing my dudes being successful. Guys that were not serious about anything but sports are now getting their Grown Man on!!! It's great that we all have moved on and become successful in one form or another. My dudes are teachers, business managers, engineers, entrepreneurs. As succesful as they are they are still humble, and are great assessts to their respective communities.

So I guess for me the moral of this homecoming weekend was that:
1. Good friends are great to have
2. Time waits for no man
3. Progress is a beautiful thing for My Fair Morgan
I am gonna continue on My Grown Man, I suggest you stay on your too!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Okay so by now I'm sure you've heard about this case with Professor Henry Louis Gates. I chose not to show mugshots for a reason. I think it demeans this man further with the bull that he has had to deal with over the last two days. I remember Professor Gates from his PBS presentation that he did about tracing the family trees of some celebrities and also letting us into his own background.
I think this situation is messed up from the jump. There are so many angles that I am having a problem with. So I'm just gonna discuss my issues. Please feel free to leave any comments that you have. This is just my opinion and I'm still entitled to that here in America.

1. So a neighbor called the police and thought that someone is breaking into the house. Now I have some neighbors that do not even say hi to me, however, I'm pretty sure that they have seen me enough times at my home that they know that I live here. I don't understand how she couldn't recognize this man. We all know there are not very many black males living at a home in and around Harvard. Let's be real.

2. I personally had an incident where my house alram went off, and I did not shut the alarm off in time. Virginia Beach's finest were called and en route to my home. I waited outside till they got there. When the officer approached he asked for ID. I gave it to him, and he said great and left. What else does Professor Gates have to do to show the officers that he lives there? In my eyes after he presented his ID the cops should have carried their happy asses to the closest Dunkin Donuts and chilled out. Why ask him to step outside? I wouldn't have.

3. This is probably my biggest issue. This is not the first time this has happened to a minority in America!!! How many other minorities go through this time and time again. When will people recognize that the struggle continues. We have come a long way, but we still have a longer way to go. Black president means nothing if the people on the lower end of the totem pole are still being mistreated. This incident doesn't surprise me, it's just a reminder of issues we still have to face.

The media is all over this because he is a national figure, however, have this same coverage for Joe Black, in Portsmouth, Virginia, Brooklyn, NY, Raleigh, NC, Compton, Ca or any other city across this country. It's happening every damn day and it sickens me to death!!!

Stay on your grind, be vigilant! Work harder and fight through the smoke screens!!!

I'm gonna stay on my Grown Man Business, I suggest you stay on yours too!

Monday, July 20, 2009

its been a while!

Alright, so Í have been on somewhat of a hiatus on my Grown Man Blog, however I have been on my Grown Man grind. So let's play catch up.
I'm back in grad school at George Washington University. Its been very hectic but I'm enjoying the hell out of it. This is the first time outside of highschool that I've been excited about school. I've been on my scholarship hustle and was rewarded with 1 scholarship so far. I have several more to apply for. Gotta maintain this 4.0. Lol

I'm on my daddy grind! We've been preparing for the arrival of our baby girl. Cayla. I've been so used to dealing with my sons that this is a big change for me. From the girlie colors of her nursery to the pink onesies. Hilarious! Well her mom has done a great job with interior decoration in the past and I'm sure the trend will continue.
I'll get back at you soon. Until then keep getting your Grown Man on!

Friday, June 5, 2009

On the other side of the country!!!

So I'm back from my "work" trip. I had a good time, I stayed in the Silverdale area which is about an hour and a half west of Seattle. I really enjoyed the area, it's so different to Va. People that I met were really friendly and laid back. The scenery was naturally gorgeous. Pretty cool to see Mt. Rainier and Mt. Olympic in the distance. The golf was great!!! Although I only played at two courses, I really enjoyed them. I played Gold Mountain and Rolling Hills. The food was like any other place in America. Shout outs to the ladies at Applebees in Silverdale, the bartenders there are awesome!!! Bistros was pretty cool, great place to hang out on a Friday night if your not planning to go to Seattle. Red Robin, you just can't go wrong. Oh yeah, the Silver Diner, great brewery/restaurant in Silverdale. They had great beer and awesome entrees. Recommend it to everyone.

Anyway, I'm glad to be home. Definitely missed the family and friends. Time to get back to the East Coast way of life. Until next time.

Monday, April 27, 2009

5 things to know about your Blackberry

I did this one up a while ago & forgot to post it. Well here goes.

A lot of my friends would say that I'm a addicted to my Blackberry. If you ask me, I would say maybe a little, but I can quit whenever I want. LOL. With this post I'd like to talk about my Top 5 things you should know about your blackberry. This is in no specific order.

1. If you know you are not technologically savvy why do you have a Storm? Do I even need to go in on this?!

2. You can use the Internet, so please use it. Why do you have the data package if you don't know how to use the Internet on your phone.

3. You can check emails. I know this ties into the whole Internet thing, but if I hear one more person that says they can't get their email from their phone I might jump off a small cliff.

4. Blackberry messenger is your friend. By now you should have at least one friend in your circle with a blackberry, so use that joint!!!

5. Why haven't you added any applications to your phone? Nothing, not one app?! I don't even wanna talk about it.

Honorable Mention: Read the directions. Call tech support for your carrier they definitely can help you out. Use the CD that comes with the Blackberry. Use the tutorial on your phone, you'd be amazed what you can learn from it.
Grown Man Business

If it looks suspect it probably is

Okay, so I took my boys to the park yesterday to enjoy the great weather that we had here in Hampton Roads. My boy and his daughter came through and we all went out to Mount Trashmore. Like I said, it was a great day. There were a lot of cuties with there kids out there as well. A great family day, can't stress that enough. Why was there one weird dude, doing pull ups on the monkey bars. I understand getting your workout on, but it looks a little suspect when you are doing it on the kids section when there are a ton of kids trying to enjoy the playground. Oh by the way did I mention dude was shadow boxing in the playground. Wow!!! I kept asking my boy, "What's up with this dude?" I definitely kept him in my sights. Any funny business and it would have been a wrap. I don't play that, not with my kids!!!

Alright, so for you single guys, here is some advise from this Grown Man, don't workout in the children's section of the park with a rack of kids around. It looks very suspect!!! I get it where there are children, there may be single moms too. I feel ya, really I do. However, borrow a friends kid; become a Big Brother; take a nephew or niece, but please, please don't come by your lonesome and shadow box in the corner.

It looks suspect. Matter fact it is suspect!!! Go to the YMCA!!!

I'm out!!! Peace

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Things that make you say....LOL

OK!!! So I'm coming back from lunch the other day, and we stop at the light. I look over to the right side at this "establishment" and I see the words, "20 Beautiful Women and 1 Ugly One." I was in stitches. I couldn't believe what I had just read. After I get myself together, I started thinking, that I need to go to said "establishment" but not to see the 20 Beautiful Women. I gotta see who this Ugly chick is!!! I gotta see how ugly is ugly!!! This is an example of things that make me say.....LOL!!!