Okay so by now I'm sure you've heard about this case with Professor Henry Louis Gates. I chose not to show mugshots for a reason. I think it demeans this man further with the bull that he has had to deal with over the last two days. I remember Professor Gates from his PBS presentation that he did about tracing the family trees of some celebrities and also letting us into his own background.
I think this situation is messed up from the jump. There are so many angles that I am having a problem with. So I'm just gonna discuss my issues. Please feel free to leave any comments that you have. This is just my opinion and I'm still entitled to that here in America.
1. So a neighbor called the police and thought that someone is breaking into the house. Now I have some neighbors that do not even say hi to me, however, I'm pretty sure that they have seen me enough times at my home that they know that I live here. I don't understand how she couldn't recognize this man. We all know there are not very many black males living at a home in and around Harvard. Let's be real.
2. I personally had an incident where my house alram went off, and I did not shut the alarm off in time. Virginia Beach's finest were called and en route to my home. I waited outside till they got there. When the officer approached he asked for ID. I gave it to him, and he said great and left. What else does Professor Gates have to do to show the officers that he lives there? In my eyes after he presented his ID the cops should have carried their happy asses to the closest Dunkin Donuts and chilled out. Why ask him to step outside? I wouldn't have.
3. This is probably my biggest issue. This is not the first time this has happened to a minority in America!!! How many other minorities go through this time and time again. When will people recognize that the struggle continues. We have come a long way, but we still have a longer way to go. Black president means nothing if the people on the lower end of the totem pole are still being mistreated. This incident doesn't surprise me, it's just a reminder of issues we still have to face.
The media is all over this because he is a national figure, however, have this same coverage for Joe Black, in Portsmouth, Virginia, Brooklyn, NY, Raleigh, NC, Compton, Ca or any other city across this country. It's happening every damn day and it sickens me to death!!!
Stay on your grind, be vigilant! Work harder and fight through the smoke screens!!!
I'm gonna stay on my Grown Man Business, I suggest you stay on yours too!