I did this one up a while ago & forgot to post it. Well here goes.
A lot of my friends would say that I'm a addicted to my Blackberry. If you ask me, I would say maybe a little, but I can quit whenever I want. LOL. With this post I'd like to talk about my Top 5 things you should know about your blackberry. This is in no specific order.
1. If you know you are not technologically savvy why do you have a Storm? Do I even need to go in on this?!
2. You can use the Internet, so please use it. Why do you have the data package if you don't know how to use the Internet on your phone.
3. You can check emails. I know this ties into the whole Internet thing, but if I hear one more person that says they can't get their email from their phone I might jump off a small cliff.
4. Blackberry messenger is your friend. By now you should have at least one friend in your circle with a blackberry, so use that joint!!!
5. Why haven't you added any applications to your phone? Nothing, not one app?! I don't even wanna talk about it.
Honorable Mention: Read the directions. Call tech support for your carrier they definitely can help you out. Use the CD that comes with the Blackberry. Use the tutorial on your phone, you'd be amazed what you can learn from it.
Grown Man Business